Saturday, November 26, 2011

......Knowledge and skepticism.......

After a brief hiatus of more than five months I reinvigorated my inner soul to generate a useless yet fruitful post(in terms of writing) to fancy my existence. Everybody asks me Why I often degrade my acts its because of the reason that I love to the extremity of hatred.The only inspiration that boosted to write is yet another anonymous writing on the innernet which showed the inherent passion of the individuals in portraying their inner self to the world- a typical attempt.Things are whimsical since my last post, I realised slowly that the honesty of a lazy and despicable person is never appreciated in the social circles which are bound to be pseudo worthy in many cases. This also provoked me to believe the fact that the practical nature of a human being is not a sin and its a highly valued spirit called more former leeches as Survival of the fittest. I was fascinated by the change in the behaviour of people in accordace with the social status which is a perfect example of the long lasting insecurity,dependency and the loss of faith on themselves.

In the course of time I lost my job which made me more reluctant, self referential and deeply unregretful on life, thanks to social networking. I met this astonishing person on one such fortunate/misfortunate day who by serendipity was travelling with me on a sojourn.After listening to my story he said that If I were to be in your position My four fingers would never have gone in to my mouth until and unless I rejuvenated the situation and apologise for miseeds.If anybody has such a feeling they might be less confident on themselves and more anxious about life. Well to tell you what I never had any rues in my life, my hole and sole intention is to make myself happy irrespective of others.This trait of me might be left to the perspection of mortals. I always had a conflict with my mind and heart and ultimately both of them are safe making me a looser.Too much of knowledge on surroundings and least bothering on happenings makes a life skeptic.

To tell you frankly this question elicited in my mind since a very long time.What is the very need for a human being in this world to make his life worth mentioned. Is it to be happy? or to make others happy?. If the later part is chosen as the answer for above question then there is a chance that every person doesn't need to work at all for the very reason that there is another person on earth who is working to make him/her happy. On the contrary If my life is to make myself happy then why on earth would anyone be sad and call me arrogant becoz I am happy and my life is happening inspite of them.This may be often misundestood by some persons as If I am to make other's happpy then whos is to make happy?. Questions Questions Questions for which an educated person can never get an answer and a materialist never cares for the questions at all.Finally every part of the story needs a conclusion which turns out to be the inauguration of a new thought. This undeniable fact can be attributed to every occurence along with certain principles in science. The world doesn't end just for the heck of it every action has an equal and opposite reaction.